Newsletter #18 December 16, 2022
Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
Student Council Casual Dress Day Friday 16 December
Students have made the most of the casual dress day and have really excelled in their choices!
The Christmas theme has been very popular along with many of our Year 6 students looking very smart in their Graduation finery!
The gold coin donation will go towards new PE equipment.
Thank you so much to Ms de Bruyn for donating $175 to GHPS from the sale of her delicious Jude’s Lemonade icy poles at our Carol’s & Art auction evening which was held on the 6 December. What a generous and kind gesture which we greatly appreciate going into the Art budget for 2023:)
As we get closer to the final day of the school year on Tuesday 20 December, the students have been able to celebrate in numerous ways. It has been very exciting attending the end of year events, particularly for the Grade 6 Graduation on Wednesday evening where we congratulated them all as they prepare to depart GHPS and head off to Secondary School in 2023.
After 7 years of primary school, with many of them starting at GHPS in the 2016 Prep classes or being welcomed along the way as they commenced other year levels, their final week at GHPS has arrived!
It was highly rewarding to be able to mark this occasion for the first time in the new gymnasium with their families; some with siblings, parents, and grandparents.
Thank you and congratulations to the Year 5/6 teaching team, Ms Shannan Fox, Ms Mikaela Ristos, Mr John Jacobs and Mr David Jenkins for their exceptional work in preparing the students, the planning and orchestration for the night, which was very memorable.
We acknowledged the GHPS class and specialist teachers, who have made an outstanding contribution to each student’s learning over their P-6 journey.
We greatly appreciated Mr David Jenkins for setting up the band and the Party Hats playing together, also teaching Music/Japanese Ms de Bruyn, Ms Roth, and Mrs Oldham for being such extraordinary and dedicated specialists in Art, PE, and Science so our students can flourish in these curriculum areas. Thank you Lisa for making our Library so extraordinary this year, which I am sure teachers and students have enjoyed enormously when attending their weekly session.
The school is very grateful to the School Council President, Nicole Verginis who was able to present the annual speech on behalf of the School Council and community to congratulate the graduating class of 2022 and offer her sentiments to the students, parents, staff, and school leadership team.
Awards for academic, sporting, specialist classes, and civics & citizenship were proudly presented. Congratulations to all our Grade 6 students on their effort and achievement and we acknowledge that although everyone did not receive an award, they can feel very proud of everything they have accomplished this year.
Award | Recipients |
John Beddoe Sports Award
Danielle Bell Athletics Award
Swimming Award |
Anuhas Wijewardena
Sara Ema Luca Hijlkema Luke Davey |
Art Award | Brody Smith |
Wendy Wilson Music Award | Genevieve Fitzpatrick
Emily Jayaweera |
The Party Hats Award | Stephanie Verginis |
Inclusive Leaders | Bilva Hemant |
STEAM Award | Gowri Arun |
Japanese Award | Cocone Noguchi |
Literacy Award | Diya Patel
Krisha Kapoor |
Numeracy Award | J P Gevaux |
Public Speaking Award | Amelia Zhu |
Research & Inquiry Award | Siddhant Shirgaonkar |
Civics & Citizenship Award | Stephanie Verginis |
All Grade 6 students were again acknowledged at the Final Assembly on Friday 16 December.
Once again it is with mixed emotions that we acknowledge that two staff are moving on from GHPS.
Mr Callum Swanson, who has been a teacher at GHPS since 2017, has accepted a 12-month temporary transfer to Heidelberg PS which is much closer to where he lives. Callum has taught Grades 4, 5 and 6 at GHPS and has coordinated Maths Olympiad, Naplan in 2021 and led the Grade 4 team this term.
Mrs Emily Frankland has been teaching Prep this term after Mrs Marini started Maternity leave. She has ensured that the students in Prep H have continued to have a wonderful first year of their schooling and a happy end to the year.
We thank them both very much for their dedication to our students at GHPS in their various teaching roles whilst they have been at GHPS and we are so grateful to each of you. It has been a privilege and joy to have worked with you and you have all added so much to our school.
In addition, we look forward to Mrs Ashleigh Casas and Ms Scarlett Mitcham on staff next year.
Ashleigh will be returning from LWOP after 12 months to teach Grade 3 and Scarlett, who has been a casual replacement teacher (CRT) at GHPS this year will commence with us for the year to teach Grade 2. Parents will be aware of the GHPS 2023 Staffing and Pupil Organisation from the Compass notification on Tuesday 13 December.
The final meeting with the Student Councillors took place last week and I thank each of them class representatives and School Captains for their insightful ideas.
2023 Student Leadership
The 2022 School, House, Sport, eSmart, Sustainability and Music Captains will be announced by Ms Shannan Fox and this year’s Student Leaders to present them with their badges at the final assembly.
The process which the Grade 5 students have gone through to apply for these leadership positions has been provided to all Year 5 parents and students.
Ms Fox, Ms Ristos, Mr Jacobs, and I have been extremely impressed in the way the students have prepared their applications, and then how the shortlisted students have spoken in the interviews. There have also been prepared speeches made to their peers in Grade in 3 – 6 and also had an interview with us for all roles.
I look forward to congratulating these students at assembly.
School Captains 2023
School Captains Zoya Faruqui and Asher White
Sport Captains Harshitha Prasanna and Rory Johnstone
Music Captains Charvi Manas and Owen Watters
Technology Captains Tilly Parrish and Anisha Behl
Sustainability Captains Elka Dench and Aditya Alamuru
Wellbeing Captains Adishree Singh and Atharva Borse
Pike House Captain Bridgett Giouris
Bael House Captain Sanjeev Ananth
Kurwan House Captain Max Taylor
Garrawang House Captain Ganeeth Thogata
Mindful Chess Award
Congratulations to Aditya in Grade 5/6F who has been awarded the most improved Chess Award for 2022. All the best for your chess years ahead, which sound highly promising.
Transition for Students and Staffing 2023
All students in Grades Prep – Grade 5 have taken part in moving to their 2022 classroom area and finding out who will be their teacher this year.
It was affirming to hear that the news was welcomed by both the students and staff.
Much consideration, care and deep knowledge about each student has provided staff with the best position to understand each child’s strengths and including making sure each child has been matched with a friend who they have nominated.
All the teachers have worked incredibly hard to finalise the Semester 2 Student Reports which will go live in Compass on Thursday 14 December. It is highly rewarding to read about the students’ effort, behaviour, and achievement and to read all about the impact of everyone’s teaching.
The dedication of all staff is a standout, and all have worked tirelessly to bring out the very best in every student every day. Thank you to Mr David Jenkins for monitoring and coordinating the Reporting process.
I have been extremely impressed by the students’ improvements and outcomes and in recognition of outstanding academic achievement in Numeracy, Literacy or across all areas, I will be presenting Principal Awards for students in Years P-6.
These awards recognise the students in Grades P-2 who have achieved 6 months or more above expected level and for students in Grades 3-6 who have achieved 12 months or more above expected level in either: Reading, Writing, Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry and Statistics and Probability.
Awards were presented to Prep-1 on the West Site and Year 2-6 in classrooms.
Much appreciation and thanks to the School Council
It has been a privilege and highly enjoyable to engage with all members of the school council this year. I can’t thank you enough for caring as much as we do about our wonderful school and please know that you have made all our work that much easier and make a huge difference for our students at GHPS.
To outgoing Councillor Nicole Bishop, I thank you for being a highly supportive and proactive member of our school community and for your wonderful and energetic effervescent personality at each meeting and across the committees you have served upon. You have provided us with a balanced, supportive, and insightful perspective on all occasions.
It is with much heartfelt thanks that I happily but very much tinged with sadness that I acknowledge that this is the final year for Nicole Verginis.
As a member of Council including being President this year, Vice President of the Council for 3 years, President of GPA until this year and member since Alex was in the junior school and Steph now graduating.
Nicole has been a member of Finance, Fete and Publicity and Marketing Committees. Her energy and love of volunteering and helping out at GHPS epitomises all things that we like to see represented in our community. Always a positive and hardworking: “we can do that” attitude, you have been so generous with your time, ideas, and smiles.
In recognition of Nicole Verginis’ work on the School Council, all members presented Nicole with a thank you card and voucher which we hope she enjoys spoiling herself a little:) Please read her final November report as School Council President which is in this newsletter and we will miss both our “Nicoles” tremendously!
A very special thank you to Abbi (James, Lewis, and Eden) who has been the President of the GPA in 2022.
We are all very grateful for the wonderful contribution you have made and with your friendly and warm manner you have been a huge asset and help to all.
Thank you to speaking to our new Prep families at the Parent Information session, as your perspective was fabulous for them to hear.
To all the wonderful members of GPA, it has been an absolute pleasure to have you on the Committee where you have worked so hard to make the events that have provided our students and school community with some fun and fundraising!
There’s plenty of room at our GPA table, so we would love new parents to join as well so please do so next year!
Dedicated teachers and staff at GHPS
Our staff are brilliant!! They are the most dedicated and hardworking people in the world, and they have done amazing things for all students, families, and each other this year.
The Leadership team, with whom I have the absolute honour of working with, have the most insightful skills and passion for how we can celebrate our school’s achievements and future actions: Mr Cameron White, Mr David Jenkins, Mrs Melinda Oldham, and Ms Shannan Fox.
The office team keeps us all going! What a duo we have in Liz and Laura. It’s a fabulous busy and vibrant space every hour! I wish everyone the most amazing school break.
All the very best to Liana and Kate in TheirCare for providing our families with such a fun out of hours program- you both do a wonderful job.
Thank you to Ms Ristos for coordinating the whole school assembly, which has been an event which all staff and students have looked forward to and where we have seen our students hosting and starring as they make presentations and report on the week.
Best wishes to everyone whether you’re having a staycation or travelling, and we will see staff back on Friday 27 January and students back at school on Monday 30 January 2023.
Final reminder: Students will be dismissed at 1.30pm on Tuesday 20 December 🙂
Libby Alessi Principal
On Monday 28/11/2022 Glen Huntly Primary School held the 8th and final School Council Meeting for the year.
- Child Safe Standards
- Mr David Jenkins, supported by the leadership team and the Curriculum and Policy subcommittee, continues to work through updating the GHPS Child Safe Standard policies.
- Policies 4-7 have now been ratified by school council and will soon be available on the school website.
- Further information is available at
- Building Works / Buildings and Grounds.
- Access to the new gymnasium was made available in time for our School Disco (01/12/2022). There has been great progress with the landscaping since we have had some better weather. Official handover of the remaining outdoor areas is now expected to be in early 2023 (likely February).
- Glen Huntly Parents’ Association & Fundraising
- The GPA have had a very busy Term 4 and I want to take this opportunity to thank ALL GPA members and volunteers who have contributed so much time and effort throughout this year. A special shout out to GPA president Abbi Gilbert, GPA secretary Hayley Clift, GPA Treasurer Fiona Davey and to Janaki Ananth, Supriya Arikarevula, Lilian Chew, Monica Falconer, Cathy Foden, Gajalakshmi, Caitilin Hawkins, Gabriela Munoz, Ruth Smyth-Kinyua, Rebecca Sullivan, Margo White for your tireless efforts with repeated volunteering and co-ordination of events in 2022.
- The GPA ensure that so many fun activities and community events are able to proceed – from the weekly activities such as the icy-pole lunches and cake raffles, to Mother’s Day & Father’s Day stalls, special lunches (Harmony Day Sushi Lunch, Footy Pie/Pastie/Sausage Roll Lunch, Health Eating Expo Rice Paper Rolls), Kids’ Disco, Election Day BBQs and cake stalls (2 this year!), Carols evening BBQ, not to mention Easter & Christmas Raffles and various drives.
- Unfortunately the Fete (initially planned for April 2023) has been postponed as several key co-ordinator roles could not be filled in time. GPA are considering how they can make the next Fete happen – watch this space!
- We expect 2023 to be an action-packed year for the GPA. Please continue your support by getting involved, volunteering, and supporting/attending the events and drives.
- Publicity & Marketing.
- There have been many more successful school tours and enrolments are looking very healthy for 2023 with 45 preps and a total of 283 students enrolled at the moment.
- School Logo Update: School Council have decided to utilise the 99Designs logo design creative platform to develop our new school logo. A focus group consisting of key members of the GHPS leadership team, school council parents and student leaders (to ensure representation from key stakeholders) will be tasked with liaising with designers during the logo development phase and selecting several finalists. The final design will be selected using a voting system involving students and teachers. It is anticipated that this process will be completed by the end of July 2023. Exciting times ahead!
- New School Uniform Update: Once the new logo is endorsed it will then be incorporated into our new school uniform. As previously mentioned there is plenty of stock of our existing uniform available; and there will be a prolonged transitional period (of 1-2years) prior to this change.
- Finances
- The 2023 budget was prepared and reviewed by Finance and endorsed by SC. Any required final amendments to the budget will occur after the final census numbers of students enrolled as at 28/02/2023 are known.
- We currently have $11,224 in the Building Fund (thanks again to families who have donated to this fund). School Council will consider which projects would make best use of these funds to facilitate further improvements to the GHPS buildings in 2023.
- Curriculum & Policy.
- Four policies were ratified by School Council with updated versions available on the GHPS website:
- Child Safe Standards 4. Family Engagement.
- Child Safe Standards 5. Diversity and Equity.
- Child Safe Standards 6. Suitable Staff and Volunteers.
- Child Safe Standards 7. Complaints Processes.
- Four policies were ratified by School Council with updated versions available on the GHPS website:
If there are any items you would like to raise for discussion with School Council please send through to
I would like to firstly thank the 2022 School Councillors for their support, wise counsel and contributions throughout this year (including during some prolonged meetings!) Your willingness to share well considered opinions and ideas has generated great discussions with excellent outcomes for our school.
Thank you to Libby Alessi (principal), Cameron White (assistant principal), Supriya Arikarevula, Nicole Bishop, Kathryn Dench, Noel Duffy, Caitilin Hawkins, Nicole Healy, Kristen Howard, Liz Howard (staff), David Jenkins (staff), Kamila Krauze (staff), Alexis Weekes. It has been a privilege serving on School Council with you all.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thank-you to everyone who has been a part of GHPS over the past 9 years – you have made our family’s experience nothing short of wonderful!
Theo & I are extremely proud to be members of the GHPS community, and we are fortunate to have had the opportunity to be involved in so many aspects of school life – listening to students read in the junior years, attending excursions, being directly involved in many school community events as members of GPA and being on the Fete committee and School Council. These opportunities to connect with other students, teachers, the leadership team and school families have proven truly rewarding and so enriching.
Alex and Steph have been privileged to have had very capable, compassionate, caring, dedicated and truly amazing teachers, support staff and leadership team guiding them throughout their primary school years – fostering a love of learning, encouraging them to strive for academic excellence and explore their creativity, and supporting them to develop the social, interpersonal and leadership skills that will enable them to be good future global citizens. We have formed wonderful friendships with other GHPS families which we will always treasure.
I have often said that it takes a village to raise a child – and what an amazing village GHPS is!
Thank you & Best Wishes for the future,
Nicole Verginis (School Council President)
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.
Daisy 0H – For her dedication to her writing. You have done a fabulous job sounding out words in your writing!
Aaradhya 0H – For her detailed insights into the life of a 6 year old. Your stories and adventures are a delight to hear!
Mia 0S – for being a superstar helper while Miss Smart was away. Thank you for being an amazing assistant.
Maddie 0S – for your vivacious and happy attitude towards all tasks and for putting a smile on everyone’s face including your teachers! You are a shining star and we are so lucky to have you in Prep S!
Ruthwik 0S – For your great writing piece about what you think our classroom elf should be called. Keep up the greatest work!
Sofia 1D – For working creatively during our persuasive writing task. You were able to form an opinion then come up with reasons why the pigeon should drive the bus. Well done!
Kiara 1D– For writing a detailed information report about ants. You were able to include lots of different facts about their appearance, diet and habitat. Well done!
Ruby 1D – For working so diligently on your inquiry project this week. You were able to plan your TV design by drawing and labelling the parts, then start making it out of recyclable materials. I can’t wait to see your finished product. Great job!
Armaan 1B – For the effort you put into your narrative story based on the Magic Lantern. You worked hard to structure your story and include characters and setting elements. Awesome work!
Sam 1B – For writing a informative report about ants. Sam you worked so hard to edit your writing this week and try out using joining words to make your sentences longer. What an impressive effort!
Ayansh 1B – For the remarkable effort you put into your inquiry project. Your digital system was carefully planned and designed and you worked so hard to use recyclable materials to create your computer. Brilliant work!
Advik 2M – For your enthusiasm and dedication to improve your handwriting. Keep it up, you are a star!
Emma 2M – For your wonderful town design. You used all of the symbols on the key and your map was clear and easy to read. Well done!
Anika 2M – For being a wonderful, helpful, caring and enthusiastic member of 2M. We will miss you!
Winston 2S – His impressive understanding of Figurative Language. I’m impressed!
Sienna 2S – Her improvement and persistence in all areas of the curriculum. You are a super star!
Vedesh 2S – Working hard and listening carefully at all times. Keep up the great effort!
Kanishk 2S – Being a motivated and independent student with a great love of learning. Well done Superstar!!!
Saambavi 2S – Her excellent attitude to all learning tasks. Saambavi contributes great ideas and is a kind friend to others. Well done!
Saanvi 2S – Fantastic work habits and dedication to all her work. You are an absolute gem!
Winston 3K – Settling into 3K and Glen Huntly Primary School so well, always showing beautiful manners and challenging himself in all activities!
Jon 3K – For working carefully and with focus on his swimming booklet and for keeping his tub tidy! Well Done!
Sadra 3K – Creating a detailed healthy lunch and dinner menu for a school canteen. Well done for understanding the importance of eating healthy!
Siena 3M – For being a super responsible student on Year 3/4 camp. You represented GHPS and all our values beautifully! Keep it up!
3M – For creating such engaging google slide presentations for your Term 4 Inquiry project. I was blown away!
Lucas 4A – For your amazing numeracy strategies you used in our chance focus group! Keep up the good work Lucas!
All 4S Campers – Throughout our time at Camp Rumbug, you were resilient, caring and fully engaged in all activities. You should all be very proud of yourselves!
Samarth 4S – For always striving to improve your Numeracy and Literacy skills. Your determination to better your understanding is magnificent!
4S – For having a terrific year as a cohesive, caring and engaging class. You’ve been able to support each other with a smile and a genuine care for your classmates. Well done, 4S!
Clancy 5/6F – His exceptional oral presentation about the 3Ds. Your passion and energy was engaging and your facts and opinions were well constructed. Great work!
Aoi 5/6F – For your captivating and convincing persuasive piece, ‘Why Children Should Be Vaccinated.’ You successfully used the PEEL structure and persuasive devices to persuade your audience. Well done Aoi!
Avikam 5/6J – For another sensational week of learning in the classroom. Thank you for the effort you apply!
Anuhas 5/6J – For being such a positive, hard working, and caring student. You always try your best at every challenge. It is an admirable quality to possess. Congratulations!
Aliyah 5/6J – For a super positive attitude to your Earn & Learn role this year. In fact, the positivity you have shown all year toward your learning has been absolutely fantastic. Congratulations!
Atharva 5/6J – For your proactive role in our class Earn & Learn program. You have been very organised and business savvy! Great job with your company!
Steph 5/6J – For your proactive manner in helping others in your role as Deputy Prime Minister of Jacoburbia (E & L). Reliable and most dependable! Thank you!
Viraj 5/6J – For teamwork demonstrated while working at your business in Earn & Learn, helping your coworkers get products ready for sale. Also for your very handy work with the bat at recess and lunchtime on the cricket pitch!! Congratulations.
Oishika 5/6R – for her hard work displayed this week while completing various assessments. You are forming excellent time management skills in preparation for year 6, well done!
Adishree 5/6R – for your fantastic submission of your student report comment this week. It was lovely to read your mature reflections of the year!
Sara 5/6R – for her exceptional hard efforts displayed in Maths Olympiad this year! Congratulations for making into the top 25% of our school!
Diya 5/6R – for her exceptional hard efforts displayed in Maths Olympiad this year! Congratulations for making into the top 25% of our school!
Alyx 5/6R – for setting up and running a successful Earn and Learn business during Trading this week.
Srinidhi 5/6R – For her creative flare displayed in our collaborative christmas tree colouring. You have made our tree shine, thank you!
Samarth 5/5R – For his hard efforts displayed during Earn and Learn this week when his partner was away. Well done for demonstrating quick thinking and initiative!
5/6R – for a sensational term of Earn and Learn! I am so proud of you all and all your hard efforts you have displayed throughout this unit and how you interacted with our younger students during trading. Well done!
PE/Sport News
During October, Glen Huntly Primary School participated in the Active Schools ‘Go For Gold’ program.
Run by Glen Eira City Council, the program encourages students to walk, ride or scoot to school to keep our community fit and healthy, as well as reduce traffic congestion on our roads.
It was fantastic to see students getting involved in the initiative this term, including on the Car Free Day.
Of all the participating schools in Glen Eira, GHPS came 2nd place! This means we were the second most active school in the area.
Congratulations everyone on this impressive achievement!
Glen Eira has also announced that the winner of the Fitbit competition is Kenisha Kapoor in Year 1. Kenisha received her prize earlier this week. We wish her all the best at her new school and beyond.
Jasmine Roth
TheirCare News
Please CLICK HERE to read our end of year report.
The school holidays are almost upon us – and Waverley Cinema Fundraising have lined up some great Family Holiday Movies that we can all enjoy for only $8.00 per admission – a great saving for all of GLEN HUNTLY PRIMARY SCHOOL families.CLICK HERE to book tickets or obtain your Family Movie Card (or just present the online card on your phone or device). The portal lists the current movies your family can enjoy for only $8.00 per admission – as well as the movies coming online in the coming months. You can also WIN tickets by visiting this portal daily.. scroll down to play our Lucky Birthday Cake game. We also have two great Fundraisers for . [1].. Movie Star for a Day Birthday Parties. Your child`s image up on the big screen on their special day. [2].. Online Movie Gift Cards – Ideal for the Festive Season. Both of these great offers raise funds for GLEN HUNTLY PRIMARY SCHOOL. If your children belong to a club that is always fundraising – needs prizes for Trivia Nights etc – then click on [FUNDRAISING SUPPORT] and Waverley Cinema Fundraising will partner with your club to provide FUNDRAISING SUPPORT. In conclusion – please visit our portal HERE there is something there for your family.
Tue 20 Final Day Term 4 (early Dismissal 1.30pm)
Fri 27 Teachers return
Fri 27 Uniform Shop Open 9am – 1pm
Mon 30 Students return for Term 1
Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.
All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Thank you.